Saturday, March 9, 2013

time for a change

I feel like I am generally a very good-humored, good-natured individual.  I get along well with people.  I am a good friend who is there for others.  I go out of my way for friends, and try to stick to the plans that I make.  All-in-all, these are very desirable characteristics.

I am confused as to why a number of people recently have decided that I am not worth their time.  I have one girl in my life who can be the greatest friend.. when she's in the mood to be.  Otherwise she'll flat out ignore me for weeks.  Yesterday I texted her to congratulate her on securing a job in China, and told her my big news as well (which I'll get to), and said it was our lucky day!! Her reply, "Thanks" I intentionally didn't add a period there, because that much effort wasn't even put forth.  Last weekend, I mentioned my new guinea pig to her.  She scoffs at me and says, "Yeah, I don't know why you got that," and walks away.  She's really big on saying, "I'm independent," and having that justify her bitchy rudeness.  Ummm, well, not everyone can inherit a ton of money from their dead uncle AND have a nest egg waiting for them that their parents invested in when you were born.  I'd be pretty "independent" too.  How independent were you when I supported you while your boyfriend broke your heart repeatedly? Then you'd go and inexplicably freeze me out for weeks at a time.

Urghhh.. She's not the only one, just the one that actually hurt my feelings.  I don't understand what I did to drive people away or make them not like me.

It doesn't matter, though, because I'm getting out of here.  If people want to stay in my life, I'm terrific at keeping in touch.  That's how I retained such a wonderful network of friends in Phoenix, Arizona.  But I refuse to have time for people who can't make any time for me.

I got an interview with American Airlines yesterday!! It's scheduled for the end of March.  I just know that once I get to do the interview, I can totally nail it.  Totally my meal ticket out of this college town and ultimately to a career, I hope! You know what, though? Even if it doesn't work out, for some reason, my plan B is to just up and move to Phoenix, like I'd planned before.  I don't want to finish school at WSU, I am soon to have almost no friends around here, it's a black hole because pay is low while living is cheap (so you can't afford to leave), and I'm never going to move on from Adrian if he's the only gay man within a 200-mile radius I really like.

I'm taking the reins on this bitch called "life" and forging a new path.  I'm channeling the indomitable spirits of Samantha Jones and Scarlett O'Hara.  Let no man put asunder.  Peace.

Monday, March 4, 2013


1. I'm so thankful that I was able to give a nice, loving home to my new guinea pig, Theodore.  I got my cage and supplies back from last year's horrible old roommates, but had no pig! It was purely by chance that I was able to secure Ted through a rescue clinic representative : )
Here's a picture of my happy boy in his new digs:

2. I'm very very grateful for my job at the cafĂ©, my kind and helpful co-workers, as well as how warm and flexible they've been with my antics.  I was really burnt out on working there for a while back in the fall, but I think I've developed a decent blend of not overworking myself, and still generating some decent income.  Attempted to get a 2nd job to balance it out, which ended up not coming through : / But then it must have been for the best, and there are opportunities to do other things at the Co-Op as well.  I've got my name in to be trained as a cheese-cutter (hehehe!) and work in la fromagerie.

3. I'm truly appreciative of my dear friend, Nicholas, whose birthday it was this past weekend.  He welcomed me into his home for the weekend so that I could enjoy the festivities with everyone.  I tried to make it worth his while, and got him some terrific presents I know he is so pleased to have received! The entire bar threw a giant themed party in his honor, so Saturday night was CRAZY!

4. I'm really stoked that I have tomorrow off of work.  As my current gym membership is astronomically expensive, and I am but a poor boy, I am debating getting a prorated membership to the university pool (which, unlike the rec center where I currently go, is available to the public).  The weather is warming up, so it might be nice to do more running outdoors, swimming indoors, and then only use the rec center periodically.  That's tomorrow's endeavor, I think.