Friday, May 17, 2013

Turn and face the strange ch-ch-chaanges..

My impending move to the gigantic city of Phoenix, Arizona, is approaching.  The gap between here & there closes more and more with each passing hour.  Eeeek! I'm a little bit nauseous just thinking about it.  I have become so comfortable here in my little enchanted pocket of the universe! I definitely experienced a really tough past year here in Moscow, Idaho.  More recently, however, I have felt that my loneliness and boredom were largely self-inflicted.  I've had some pretty amazing friends around me, particularly through my work at the Food Co-Op, and Moscow has endless venues for the arts, dancing, music, etc. 

I've really enjoyed a beautiful past two months here, with the people I've met, the adventures I've had, and just enjoying my surroundings.  The fact that this change of self has come at the end of my journey in the Palouse invokes some feelings of regret and remorse.  But I've realized that had I felt this euphoric here all along, I would probably not have had the drive to jettison myself back out into the rest of the world.  By now, my plans to move are solidified and underway.  It truly is for the best, and I have the great fortune to leave this magical place with such fond memories!

I have decided that I will make at least one visitation back here while all of my good friends still linger.  Flying up here from Phoenix can be pretty cheap, and I think it would be well worth the effort, and healthy to maintain some treasured friendships.  I'm also really hoping that people up here will feel compelled to come to me, too.  Arizona is beautiful, and definitely a sure bet to escape the cold!

Goodbye, all of you beautiful people : ) I am excited to savor my last 8 days with you.