Monday, December 2, 2013

To this day

"You're going to meet the most extraordinary men, the sexiest, funniest, brightest men.  You're going to meet so many of them, fall in love with so many of them, you won't know until the end of your life which ones were your greatest lovers and which were your greatest friends." - Harvey Milk

Nothing is the same.

With regard to my personal romances, I've decided that I'm done pining for something with Adrian that is 60% figment of my imagination.  Unrequited love isn't a good look on me, and I've been wearing it far too long.  I can't talk with him about it, though, because whenever I mention trying to end things, he suddenly becomes the sweetest man in the world and tells me how much he loves me, sucking me right back into his web.  Then the minute I concede and reciprocate, he drops off the face of the Earth.  I couldn't begin to count how many times I've played a part in this cycle.

"Welcome to the age of un-innocence.  No one has breakfast at Tiffany's, and no one has affairs to remember.  Instead, we have breakfast at 7AM and affairs we try to forget as quickly as possible." - Carrie Bradshaw

It's good, though.  This is healthy.  I'm 1,200 miles away in a major metropolitan city with a job and good friends.  Ever since my boss has started being super nice to me these past two weeks (Is it a trick? New meds?), my life is a thousand times less miserable.  It's amazing how that was affecting everything, especially because there was no way for me to change or escape it without flat out quitting.  Anyway, it makes it much easier to view life here in a more positive light.

I went on a really lovely date to one of my favorite pubs on Friday with this fellow I'd randomly met this summer in the VIP lounge of a night club downtown.  What a cool guy! It was so refreshing to meet an educated, young, fit, genuine and kind fellow here in the Valley, or anywhere for that matter.  I actually just bumped into him again tonight, because we both have memberships to the same gym.  We've made a date to watch our favorite show, American Horror Story, this week.  And he's an accountant.. Not sure why I am so inherently drawn to them.  Maybe because I'm so not numbers-oriented that I seek out someone to compensate ; ) Well, we all have our gifts.  Anyway, I won't get ahead of myself.

Lots to look forward to this month! It is December, after all, which is usually a very happy time.  In a few weeks, I'm heading with a few close friends to Palm Springs for my parents' julefrokost (Christmas party), after which we'll continue on to L.A. and spend a couple of days at Knott's Berry Farm riding roller coasters.  On the way back to Phoenix, I'm going to get dropped off back at my parents', and spend the remainder of the holiday with them.  Then, flying back to the Valley so I can go back to work and replenish my empty coffers.  It's going to be so fantastic!