Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Jeg har fået jobbet!

In the biggest news of all - I got the job! At long last, after all of my hard work, my dream can finally come true. 
A career. 
Being someone important.
Getting to use Danish and other languages at work.
Working with new people everyday.
A variable lifestyle I won't get bored with.

As I mentioned in my post in January, I adjusted my body clock to East Coast time 2 weeks in advance so that I would be well rested for my interview in Atlanta.  However, despite my best efforts, here I am, wide awake and ready to go at 3am (woke up at 2am, oh boy)
And here I am crashing in my bed in Phoenix after being awake for 24 hours, including 7 hours of interviewing and smiling, a Danish language test over the phone, and a 4 hour flight back across the country
 I am not totally sure how this will affect my blogging, because I've read a number of cases where flight attendants were fired for things they said online or even posting pictures of themselves in uniform.  Granted, I do have a number of FA friends who do just that and are just regular folks, so I'm not sure where the fine line is.  I will probably discontinue YouTube for the most part, though, especially with my technological impairments already standing in the way of that.  I hope people won't be too disappointed, particularly if I keep up via other social media such as this.

Training starts on February 26th back in Atlanta, so I am finishing up my time at work, getting my affairs in order, trying to get rid of my apartment, etc.  Soooo looking forward to it; making all new friends, all the bonding, and starting our new lives.  After which, who knows where I will be! They indicated most likely Atlanta or New York, either of which I am more than fine with : )