Saturday, April 13, 2013

Running running

What in the world is going on outside? I swear, these past couple of weeks have been all over the weather spectrum.  I can't help but to laugh! It was so lovely an in the 60s for a few days in a row.  I got to go hiking a bunch, went running outside, etc.  I was getting really pumped for those kind of activities again, but then it turned back to 50s and rain.  Yesterday was quite lovely during my walk to work, and then ended with a torrential downpour! Haha, and today is some mixture of absolutely everything.

Eek! My birthday is in just a few days - 24! Sounds super old when you live in college land, but I've had some time to adjust to the idea already, and I'm sure once I'm out living in the big city, I'll seem relatively young again : ) Adrian & friends are throwing a fiesta for me, which is so friggin' kind, I'm gonna melt.

The day before my birthday, however, is my interview with Alaska Airlines in Seattle.  I was denied by American, although in retrospect, I'm viewing this as a blessing in disguise.  A career with Alaska would be so marvelous and convenient.  I seriously want it so badly! Urghh, so much pressure.  I hope to have only good things to report from my experience!

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry the interviews did not have positive outcomes.However I think you have found the perfect career and its worthy of pursuing until you find the right airline. I thought either of these would be great for different reasons. However I really hope you get a chance to fly intl because then you will have the world. I am so proud of you for how you handled both interviews and you did nothing wrong. They would have truly benefited from having you on their team. Best wishes for the year of 24! xo mom
