Sunday, January 5, 2014

I came to fly

Blegh, I realized how backed up my blogging has been.  I do a lot more journaling in my actual physical journal, so I often forget how little I've kept everyone else informed (and I do know some people pop on here to keep track of me!)

My last post in December was so negatively focused around Adrian, so I will start by clearing that up and be done with it.  I think that we will always love each other, and we communicate with some regularity, but honestly the only way for us to really be together is for me to move back to Moscow, which I don't think either of us want for me.  I love Moscow, but I can't move there again.  It would just be stunting who I am and what I should really be doing.  Anyway, we're kind of doing our own things, so it's still a weird purgatory, but much less influential on my daily life.  I have plenty of other cute boys chasing me here in the desert : )

In bigger news, things are well moving forward with the Danish-speaking Flight Attendant position.  I will be interviewing in Atlanta this Friday, yikes! I am working so hard to prepare - I've even adjusted myself to East Coast time in advance so that I feel well-rested with the interview at 7:30 in the morning.  Basically this week is dedicated to being in a cocoon of Danish and airline terminology, along with reviewing my responses for all of the Q&A.  I imagine they haven't had a lot of legitimate takers for the Danish-speaking position, but I can't even get to the testing portion until after I get through that Q&A with the main group.

What I have to keep in mind is that this stuff is my personal forté.  I am made for this job.  There is nothing required for this job that I do not already possess or am otherwise incapable of.  I just need to frakking do it, just DO IT, KY!!

On that note, I'm also trying really hard not to stress myself out this time.  I need to know that I will be totally fine if I get a "no." I'm not letting anyone down.  I have a job in Arizona.  I can still go live in Europe this summer.  I can still move to a different city.  It will be toooootally fine.  The airline job is ideal, but it is not everything.

1 comment:

  1. I love that the possibility of you getting hired for the perfect job is in a few days. I completely understand how difficult it is to separate your desire for the job and yet protecting yourself from disappointment. I cried after both interviews last year as well because I wanted it for you so much. You are more than qualified so its not personal if its no..and it is VERY personal if its yes!!
    You are right tho...plenty of other adventures are waiting for you no matter what! Saying prayers and sending positive energy for a wonderful experience in Atlanta!
