Thursday, March 8, 2012

Springtime beauties

Alright, I went to work and found the nice comment one of my co-workers wrote about me.  The staff development manager printed it out onto this neat background that adds a little emphasis :

"He is a positive, motivating force that always makes an effort to make our staff feel better and make the PAFC a better place to work.  Ky is easy to talk to and spends extra time and effort above and beyond what is expected of him.  By bettering himself through the LGI class, he is making himself a more knowledgable leader and a critical part of our team.  If our managers are the vital organs of our staff, then Ky is the beating heart that pumps motivation throughout the entire staff."

I really want to go through and edit the grammar, but I can definitely resist being a pig in this case : P If only I were this successful with my schooling! Although things are looking up schoolwise, too.  I'm presenting one of my group projects in class today.  Urggh soo many group projects, rarr rarr rarr!!

In addition to my baking binge I started in the fall, which has actually died off a little recently, I am now a cultivator.  Adrian bought me a huge set of beautiful lilies, which was so very nice.  I originally put them on my kitchen table & let their luscious scent waft throughout the place.  It wasn't long before I could tell they were unhappy in their little store pot & needed some room to grow.  Here is a picture of them from the other day:

It's clear that they're already dying around the base, poor things.  Ann & I made a trek to the garden center, where I found a much, much larger pot for them, with some organic soil to munch on.  The new potting arrangement would be too big & tacky for the kitchen table, but I didn't want my babies to go to waste sitting alone in a corner of the house either.  I moved them down to my bedroom, where they have a nice, sunny view out my windows.  That way, they're always at the foot of my bed when I wake up, and my bedroom smells fantastic.

I really hope they survive & are happy in their new home.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful to hear positive comments about yourself at work. We all need affirmation that we are living a life worth while. Yea you!
    Its always so nice to have flowers in your house and I have read they are a healthy source of oxygen. (Or something like that!)
    You sound happy and what more can we hope for?!
