Tuesday, March 6, 2012

un nouveau poste

Eeeek, sorry I've been the lamest about updating recently.  I've been fairly entangled in staying caught up with my classes and having a lively social life.  Oh, and the whole job thing.  Not a big deal!
By the way, I am the employee of the month! I just found out yesterday.  Someone on staff wrote the nicest recommendation for me, I will have to copy it and post it on here.  So sweet.

Speaking of sweet, I met this really great guy at the beginning of last month, Adrian.  We started going out on a few dates & really getting to know each other, and now things are pretty serious.  He lives over in Moscow, so there is a slight distance issue, but it's actually kind of nice because our lives aren't on top of each other all the time (whoa, pardon the expression), and I find Moscow so charming anyway.  I'm not trying to get cheesy, but I... really like him.  We are extremely compatible both emotionally and physically, and seem to fit into one another's lives really well.  He is a super genuine, responsible guy.  Ok, if you know me well, get this part: he's in a fraternity.  Prior to this experience, I have had nothing but contempt for the Greek system (although the show "Greek" made me wish I could rush Kappa Tau).  Having now been a many-time guest & tenant of the Lambda Chi Alpha house, I can attest that you will be hard pressed to find a friendlier bunch of fellas.  I love the atmosphere & close-knit dynamic.  Everyone there adores Adrian & regularly come to him for advice.  They all know who I am as well, and that I'm obviously with Adrian, and could not be more welcoming.  I brought them chocolate cookies thanking them for their hospitality.  Brownie points for Ky! (pardon the expression here too, as they were in fact cookies)

Me with tall, dark, and handsome
As I said, I've been spending a lot of time in Moscow at the Lambda house.  It's like a refuge from the stresses of my Pullman life.  I feel like I can really relax & wind down there.  I studied there with Adrian last night for my massive Chinese midterm & totally rocked the midterm today! Uhh, definitely utilizing this strategy from now on.

Well, the semester is slowly crossing the halfway point, which means crunch time steadily approaches.  SOOO many group projects!! Whyyy??! I read the assignments and cannot figure out how doing it in a group makes more sense than doing an individual paper or presentation (other than saving time on presentations).  Finding the time to collaborate with all of these different groups is especially taxing.  Oh well, complaining isn't going to make it go away.

Spring break is next week, so I hope to have exciting tales to tell.  I'm really glad that I decided to get out of town for at least a bit.  Adrian & I are going to Seattle for a couple of days, then driving up to Bellingham to visit some dear friends, then heading back over to the eastern paradise.  Hope the weather is as nice on the West Side as it is here.

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