Sunday, February 19, 2012


Recently I've been fairly nostalgic for my days as an elite athlete in an extremely rigorous sport - rowing.  I could never go back to my team here.  I think I would just end up pissed off all the time, frankly.  Same old politics, all new idiots who don't know what they're talking about.  On the other hand, being on the water every day and gliding across the surface through the sheer force of your own might is an incredible experience.  Not to mention the knowledge that you are the most physically fit human being on campus.

WIRAs 2009
(I'm 7th seat, so two people from stern) Entering the boat at Fawley Cup
(I'm 3rd seat from the bow) Varsity Lightweight 8
There's something to be said for athletes who willingly inflict this much pain upon themselves.  I'm definitely interested in rowing with a good masters program when I move to a big city.  There is a masters summer rowing program here in Pullman, and I've actually rowed with them before, but they're pretty amateurish.  It might be worth it this summer, just for the time on the water & the experience, but I haven't decided yet.
In the meantime, I'm getting back into rowing shape doing some erg pieces with my rower friends.  On Tuesday, I'm erging with my buddy, Paul, who has rowed as an ACRA (American Collegiate Rowing Association) All-Star.  My other friend and future roommate, Irena, rowed for the Czech national team until she was 21-years-old and came to row here at WSU.  She and I are erging together every Saturday now.
Irena and me in the university's erg room last night
Soon, I will be back to excellent shape! I think this will be good motivation for me to work out harder and harder from now on.

1 comment:

  1. I loved everything about you being on crew and would love to see it become a part of your future. Somethings are worth the hard work and the satisfaction of giving it your all.
    You are a HB too just like your mama! xo
