Monday, June 18, 2012

Invasive Persuasive

I have avoided writing about any topics related to my relationships on here, particularly because of the traffic my blog receives without my knowledge.  All I want to say is that I have never been in a relationship where so many other people have had so much input and so many opinions.  I will continue by saying that I've never been in a relationship where so many other people were involved.

As far as I'm concerned, my relationship is only between myself and my boyfriend. It is no one else's business.  No one else is encompassed under that umbrella.

I should not have to be made to feel bad if I refer to him as "my boyfriend," rather than by name, because it sounds like I'm being possessive (and some people would prefer that no one had any claim to him).  I should not have to be made to feel bad if my boyfriend wants to hold me, and seeing that makes someone else sad.  I should not have to be made to feel bad if I would appreciate just 30 minutes alone with him out of a 4-day period before he leaves to work in Alaska for a month.  I should not have to be made to feel bad if I want to dance with him a little at a club, but other people there want to dance with him instead.

I'm not a possessive boyfriend and I'm not asking for much.  I understand that he is very charming and pleasant, and that other people are going to love him for a lot of the same reasons that I do.  I understand.

I just have never felt like I had to take a number to be with the one I love before.

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