Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day weekend

I've discovered how to give myself little vacations here & there.  I have a little bit of a commuter relationship (Adrian lives in Moscow, Idaho, which is a whopping 8 miles away from Pullman), and it's now summer time, which means that a day off work could constitute a full day of adventure.  Therefore, it just makes more sense for me to load up part of my week with a busy work schedule (in other words, still get my 40 hours, but compress them into 4 long days, rather than 7 short/medium days), then take the rest of it off.  It's even possible to maximize my "vacation" by loading up the first half of one week, then loading up the later half of the following week.

That's what I did this past week so as to really enjoy some time with Adrian before he takes off for his summer travels.  He'll be in Arizona this week, and then it won't be long before he's flying off to Alaska for a month of commercial fishing.  I've definitely enjoyed the time away from work, just sleeping in, and knowing I don't have anything looming over my shoulder.  Ahh the beauty of being the Head Guard of scheduling.

Yesterday, I helped some future roommates completely empty out their apartments.. into their new house! My house.  It's nice to be making progress with the roommate transition, but it was a bummer that the moving process was a full 11-hour day of work on our holiday off.  I definitely get the impression that beautiful Ann is feeling intruded upon & pushed out with the arrival of new roommates (they aren't living in our house until Ann moves out, just their stuff is), so I'm sad to do that to her.  I just don't have a lot of alternatives, because I needed roommates for next year,  they needed some storage for all of their things, and frankly I didn't want to help them move twice.

There have been a lot of fun things going on too during this time.

Making delicious breakfast with my man

A few parties with good friends at my place

And right now, I'm babysitting Adrian's reptiles.  So cute!
Start work again tomorrow.  I'm looking forward to just being able to focus on my manager duties & doing a really great job of them.

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