Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I'm going through old journals from my past.  I was always very good about cataloging my thoughts and life events.  Many of the older ones are juvenile to me now and almost embarrassing to look back on (a tool I use for learning from the past).  However, there is one in particular that I kept through most of my years in attendance of university, which is the most insightful and relevant of all.  I see my present self in its entries, which makes it a lot more personal and fantastic for me to reflect upon.

I had a thought to archive some of my current wishes and ambitions, when I came across a certain entry from almost exactly two years ago.  Interestingly, it is strikingly similar to what I was about to write down, and I find that all of my dreams and wants for the future at that time are consistent with my present ones.

Here is what it says:

"Monday Nov. 15th, 2010

Things I want to do:

- have two children, either adopted or surrogate.  I could do either.  Although I think highly of adoption because there are a lot of young children out there in terrible situations, whose lives I could save by giving them a nice home and being a good father.

- have a sauna in my house.

- speak Danish, French, and Mandarin fluently.  I also want my children to be able to speak at least two of these languages.

- travel extensively in different parts of the world.

- someday go on a long camping trip with my own family through Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland.

- spend a year abroad again.

- live in or have access to a major city."

That was two years ago, and I may as well have written it this afternoon.  I know these may seem basic or trivial, but it is nice to know that while my life is always changing around me, I'm still working toward some of the same dreams.


  1. I recently found a 'diary' entry from high school.. so late 60s early 70s. I could still write the same entry today as well. Our souls never change despite all the efforts to be someone else. My heart still sings the same sad song with a note of hope.

  2. My goals are,
    1. Get out of Texas
    2. Get out of Texas
    3. Someone please get me out of here!
    I feel so trapped here by my parents it's crazy but hopefully I'll be able to get away soon.
