Sunday, September 8, 2013


Things are totally on the upward bounce! As I said, my outlook about Phoenix has returned to the awesome and the positive.  Keeping busy down here, and enjoying all of the venues this city has to offer (which is a LOT).

This morning I woke up to a crazy thunderstorm.  I had to work at 9:00 AM, so I saddled up on my bike and rode there through the rain and lightning.  Maybe not exactly prudent, but super fun and invigorating! Plus to desert living: rainstorms are balmy and warm.  I figured people probably thought I was ridiculous, but how often do we get a solid stretch of rain? And I wanted to feel alive : )

Work is so-so right now.  I'm trying to muddle through the challenge of having a horrible manager who is an anxiety freak and treats me like crap.  I need to handle it, but I'm not sure exactly what to do.  It's crossed my mind to maybe apply at other places in addition to the airlines, just to see if any decent fish bite.  Then, today, a couple came in for brunch who are sort of regulars, so I stopped to chat with them a bit.  They are opening their own beer, wine, and chocolate bar here in Central Phoenix in October! At least I know they are super cool and would be fun to work for.  Just an idea I'm entertaining.

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