Monday, September 23, 2013

Arizona Autumn

Fall is here! But seriously, after months of sweating and suffering, the lower temps are finally gracing us.  The high today is only 90˚! Pretty early in the year to be dropping out of triple digits, but I'm certainly not groaning over it : )

Normally, as my loyal readers will know from past experience, I am a vehement appreciator of the seasons and enjoying the "now." I get frustrated with people up north who are burnt out on summer by September and start wearing their scarves and playing Christmas music in anticipation of the colder seasons.  My mentality is that there will be PLENTY of time for all of that when the time actually arrives, but for the present, it is better to enjoy the final few weeks of warmth & sunshine before being plunged into 6-7 months of cold, gray, and wetness, haha!

Down here in Phoenix, however, I feel no such remorse.  There honestly won't be a significant enough change for me to feel like I'm not appreciating something or that I'm missing out on what's around me.  Oops, it's still sunny, blue skies and pleasant outside.  Therefore, I've wasted no time in buying my apple cider hickory pulled pork & pumpkin pie materials.  I may have listened to "Sleigh Bells Ring" and "Winter Wonderland" briefly yesterday in the privacy of my room.  I may be scoping out cheap tickets to some kickass hockey games for next month.  No shame here ; )

Things have been improving immensely with work recently.  I just do my very best to keep my boss off my back, and there have been a few incidents where she's flipped out at me in front of everyone, but it turned out to be a misunderstanding that had nothing to do with me, and she's apologized.  Maybe that's helped her realize she needs to calm the **** down and not react that way.  Regardless, life is significantly less painful (plus today is Monday, and she has Mon & Tues off every week!)

Not too bad, eh?

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