Saturday, October 26, 2013

Schicksal - Destiny

What am I doing with my existence? With my vessel of a body? With my time on this plane?

Go to work, come home, watch movies, relax, work out, eat, sleep, repeat.

I used to influence people of the world almost every day.  Through (apparently) inspirational YouTube videos, working with kids, teaching adults how to exercise and better their lives, speaking up in classrooms everyday, and so on.  What are my focuses right now? Instant gratification.  Contentment.  I do devote a lot of my time to improving myself as a human through learning and regular exercise.  And to be honest, I probably spent even more time watching Netflix and surfing the Internet from my bed while I was in school and doing all of those other things with my life.  Things weren't perfect, but at least I was contributing to the Universe more, and operating under the illusion of progressing toward a better position.  Right now, I'm stuck in the position I'm in, and don't have a ladder to climb.

All I know, is that I am greater than my present existence.  I survived a brutal car accident last summer completely unscathed, when by all logic I should have looked like the Scarecrow after some Flying Monkeys were done with him.  I have an Apollo line running down my palm, a promise of great success in life. 

The gods want me here for a reason, and I can guarantee it's not to be waiting tables or to become somebody's housewife.

What brought me to Phoenix? What am I supposed to be getting out of this? I have to leave my job.  This has to be my sole mission - better job.  Help people.  Always spread my light in the world.  Do not allow my abilities to atrophy.

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