Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My current status

Here is everything that is true and inescapable:

- Despite my very best efforts, I cannot find happiness in the city of Phoenix, nor an amiable group of people to call "friends," aside from a few long time close mates, such as Katy, who has always been super loyal.  I am overall not very happy here.  I make the best of my situation, but it is a false image.

- No airline jobs seem to be working out.  I could have dogged the US Airways recruiting centre more with regard to the Reservations Agent position, but I am a social being and a people person, so the idea of working 40 hour weeks in a call centre sounds like hell to me, regardless of the flight benefits I would have received.

- In lieu of such a career move, I am making strides toward a fall-back plan I've had in the works since mid August.  I intend to fly to Denmark at the end of April, hang out and reunite with friends for a couple weeks while the jet lag wears off, and begin wwoofing (WWOOF = Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms) around the little island country for a few more weeks.  Then I'll move on to some wwoof sites in Germany.  I will be learning so much, and using my language skills.  It will be fantastic to refresh both Danish and German in my brain.  Then, in August, I am going to engage in an intensive German language course at this ancient little university in Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

- After that, I will likely return to the U.S.  I don't know exactly what the best course of action will be, but returning to Phoenix seems like settling back into the muck from which I am escaping.  No more boring routine! One option I am more than a little interested in is possibly moving in with Adrian.  I know he is interested in moving to Seattle or maybe another big city.  If this comes to fruition, it would be a really easy move for me, because I could ditch most of my possessions, as he already has a bed, furniture, TV, etc, and I wouldn't need to drop another $1,500 moving my things back north or wherever.  It would also give me someone to leave Johan (my cat) with while I'm abroad, so flying him up beforehand, along with some other things I won't need in Europe, would make sense.

- These are my own thoughts, not things that are set in stone, guaranteed to happen, or have been confirmed with any other parties.  But it's my blog and it's my life, and I think I know what I want in life more than anyone does.

- I've thought about simply buying a one-way plane ticket and seeking to stay in Europe, obtaining a job there, and so forth.  However, without a bachelor's degree, nor any way of initially generating income there, this option would be extremely difficult and risky, possibly resulting in stranding myself with no money with which to continue.  It is a very expensive continent.

- As I once again find myself being limited by my lack of paper credentials, perhaps it is time to throw in my Bohemian towel (to a certain extent, at least) and, after having completed my language self-study in Germany, pursue the remainder of a bachelor's degree in German linguistics.  This was more or less one of my intentions in relocating to Arizona, but with my spiritual and emotional isolation even among this mass of miscreant humanity, I have not been eager to commit to spending tuition money, particularly when not regarded as an Arizona resident for tuition purposes, which, in turn, would also hinder my ability to work freely and earn money with which to go on 4-month long European adventures.  I haven't even replaced my Washington driver's license with an Arizona one yet.  Something has held me back from doing so.  I think I'm afraid of getting myself stuck, as I so often have felt.

- Anyway, while I have put on a positive façade about my situation here, for quite some time now I have been regarding it as a fun year in the desert and nothing more.  I definitely had to come here to know that it ultimately wasn't right for me, because I always had fond memories of the party days from my previous Arizonan stints.  I figure I might as well get as much out of the time and experience as I possibly can!

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