Friday, November 22, 2013

Latent Autumn Downpour

Wauw, I definitely hadn't realized I haven't posted since the end of October.  Shows my level of diligence.  Well, there is a lot to tell : )

At present, we're in the midst of a torrential, several day-long downpour of rain, which is most unusual for Phoenix, but fantastic for the Earth.  I'll admit, I'm chilly inside my apartment, when there aren't a lot of sources of warmth, and the indoor temperature is in the 60s, but overall, I'm snickering at the Phoenicians' complaints about the cold and rain.  Who knew so many people owned umbrellas?! (I certainly don't).  I witnessed a woman at a drive-through ATM holding an umbrella over her head as she leaned out her car window to speak to the teller.  Excessive? Possibly.

This past weekend, I returned to my personal haven, Moscow, Idaho.  It was such a wonderfully and vitally healing weekend for me.  I barely got to see half of my loved ones up there, and the time I did have with people was completely maximized with positivity, growth, and love.  It was great to get to be with Adrian, and some of my closest, truest friends.  My old boss from the Co-Op teared up when I visited her, and begged me to come back to work.  Kind of a nice change of pace, when I feel like my boss in Phoenix hates me the majority of the time (although that hasn't been so bad this past week).  Definitely tempting, and I nearly missed my flight back to Arizona as several things fell through simultaneously, so at the time, I wondered if it was a sign I should stay, haha.  But no, I did make it back to Phoenix with some heartfelt farewells.  At least I had a splendid time and will always know there are wonderful people in the world.

Tromping around in the snow up in beautiful Idaho, topped off with a glorious sunset
Went up to Spokane on Sunday with some good friends to see a show with electronic/dance music; super fun! Everyone got crazy (hence the shirtless Ky)
Other big news: there's an airline hiring Danish-speaking flight attendants! I started my application last weekend while in Idaho as soon as I heard the news.  Before I even finished the application, I got a phone interview! Then another online assessment, and last night I completed a test of my fluency in Danish.  Seems like I'm being express-laned with these guys, as opposed to the painfully drawn out process with every other airline I've applied with.  They must really need Danish speakers! I truly hope everything went well, because this could just be the answer to all of the riddles.  No need to go back to school, and I'd be landing my dream job, which would move me to a new city, AND I'd get to speak Danish at work every day! I can barely get my hopes up, because it's just too perfect.  Never have I counted myself quite that lucky.

Well, I'm cozied up in my apartment now with some Christmas decorations up, music playing, tea boiling, and pine-scented candles burning.  Hyggeligt : )

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