Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving break

Oh, it's finally time for a real holiday.  A holiday it may be, but I am staying in town and working throughout the week.  It is such a relief, though, to have this time to catch up on schoolwork, as well as work a full 40 hours before December (Christmas present time!)

I really am a lucky person.  I bought a plane ticket from Seattle to Palm Springs (via Portland, woo!) and back for the Christmas holiday, basically contingent on Andrew being able to drive me thither and whence.  However, since we are now broken up, that created a number of complications for me, vis-à-vis my travels.  Fortunately, I secured a ride to Seattle the weekend before and have a friend willing to put me up downtown until the day of my flight.  That will be a fun vacation in itself, as I will have the chance to connect with a bunch of friends and party on Capitol Hill.  Then my parents kindly bought me a plane ticket from Seattle to Pullman (which is generally inexpensive one-way), so I have a safe ride back, regardless of the weather.  Merry Christmas to me : )

I'm so over Thanksgiving.  I think I need to live in a country where it doesn't exist.  I had plans to dine with my Danish friend, Hannah, and her boyfriend & co.  The plans fell through, however, because her boyfriend needs to work, and I have to petsit that night anyway.  Now it is just going to be another meaningless day, as usual.  At least my dear friend Kate has decided to hold a delicious-sounding Thanksgiving brunch earlier in the day.

It snowed so much last week, and has been wonderfully brisk, freezing, invigorating temperatures lately. It looked so magical outside.  I'll post a picture of my yard.  Unfortunately, temperatures are rising a lot the rest of this week, so all of the beauty is going to melt away and it's just going to be wet grossness.  That is seriously the worst.  I would way rather it were 10-30˚ the next 4 months straight than anything in the gross, wet 40's.

Paradise, just a few days ago

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