Friday, November 4, 2011

Things that make me happy

- hot chai tea lattés
- cozy winter coats that make me feel like I'm from Copenhagen
- scarves that keep my neck warm
- pumpkin pie
- National Public Radio (NPR)
- classical music
- when I can sit and just read with no obligations
- really foggy days
- speaking Danish
- warm-scented candles
- getting the best score in class
- when classes are canceled
- when everything at work goes just right
- having an entire day off
- waking up fresh on an early morning
- swimming
- talking to my mom
- imagining people's reaction upon receiving mail from me
- receiving mail myself
- Audrey Hepburn
- Ann Hoag
- Baker
- learning to bake
- ice skating!
- when Andrew speaks Danish (and well, I might add)
- the smell of bonfires in the distance
- Scandinavian culture

1 comment:

  1. Delightful list and sounds so scandie! Gracie is on her bed crying but I will try to comfort her...
