Friday, January 20, 2012


Winter has been all around me.  It was such a magical couple of days, with legions of snowflakes, and snowbanks the size of mountains.  Washington State University had its first Snow Day in 4 years! Usually they are vehemently stubborn about not canceling class (though not without facing criticism, when commuters from out of town or pedestrians on icy hills face serious compromises in safety).  Anyway, here are a few pictures from around my yard.

Untouched and fathoms deep

Driveway - This is what it looked like after being plowed...

My back deck - check out the accumulation along the railing! After a certain point, I think that was the maximum height it got to before it began to simply spill off the sides

Baker was having a hard time of getting around

Unfortunately all of this beautiful white magic is currently turning into an ocean.  The West Coast, even this far inland, simply does not get cold enough for a real winter.  I'm looking at places such as Minneapolis and Montréal with sighs of envy, given their freezing temps.  I do not mind the snow or the cold in the least, but I hate being wet and cold.  Here it frequently fluctuates between 31˚ and 39˚... not very conducive for nice snow.  The wondrous world around me will be a big, sloppy mess by tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I just happen to be passing thru and noticed the comment I left you is not here. Sup with that? I SAID what a winter wonderland you have! Poor sweet Baker can barely see with those short legs...Thanks for sharing the photos!
