Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last day of 2011

2012 New Year Resolution:
- Graduate

Other goals:
- Take dance classes (contemporary)
- Meet some great people
- Make it back to Denmark
- Get at least 2 A's each semester
- Come up with entirely new water aerobic routines
- Get into killer shape and stay that way (up the cardio)

I live for myself, but I'm not selfish.

What I do with my life is entirely my own decision.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Ky! I'm a fan of yours, but I'm sad that I can't hear from you on a more regular basis... in all honesty I think that a lot of people use twitter much more often than they could in all likelihood read your stuff on blogspot. So... I would advise using your twitter more often! Seriously, I think that a lot of people want to hear more, but can't/don't because you don't update your twitter often >:(
    Just a suggestion! Thanks for listening! We love you!
