Friday, December 9, 2011

End of this semester

At last this semester is coming to an end.  I have three finals next week: Chinese, Geology, and Foreign Film.  I don't think it'll be too brutal, but it's not like the only thing I have to do right now is lie around and study.  I'm working nearly full-time, keeping my body in shape, and juggling this absurd course load.  Why was the concept of "study leave" lost upon the USA? Most western countries get at least a couple of weeks of no class, just studying.  In Denmark, it's called læseferie, or "reading break." I know they practice it in Mother England as well, so why the Mayflower left it behind, I cannot understand.  Anyway, I could certainly use a study leave right now.

I'm so looking forward to next week, where I'll be heading to Seattle for 4-5 days, and then flying down to Palm Springs to visit my lovely parents and grandmother.  I'll be staying in Seattle with my good friend, Luke, and will really be able to take advantage of the city life during my time there.  It will be good to see old friends, and some partying on Capitol Hill is certainly in order.

This will be my first time visiting my parents' new house in La Quinta, Calif.  From the pictures, I can see they've made it up so beautifully, as they always do.  I'm sad I scarcely get to see the pair of them, particularly with my mother being my very best friend.  I actually haven't seen my grandmother in... Shoot, I can't remember the last time I saw her.  It's been far too long, though.  She's the only one I have!

Happy Holidays, everyone.  May yours be warm and full of love.

1 comment:

  1. You are the first person I want to tell when something goes right or terribly wrong because you 'get' me. You don't judge and you don't remember the details when I vent about someone. I cannot wait to see you and to share our home. It feels so great to have our boys be excited to come home this Christmas. Maybe because there is a home to come to...
