Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dead Week & the gays

This week is definitely living up to its name.  I don't know why the university calls it "Dead Week," because we still have classes, homework, term papers, etc.  I do know why I call it Dead Week, and that's because the students are dead.  I'm not one to pull "all-nighters" on homework, but last night I was writing a research paper, creating a presentation for my geology project, and I had to teach water aerobics at 6 AM anyway.  Basically I slept for 25 minutes.  Does that count?

Over the weekend, the last drag show of 2011 was a total success.  I kept my own drinking to a minimum (for once), which was nice because I didn't do anything stupid and I felt brilliant the next day.  It was so great, because I went with some of my co-workers, as well as Marie (from Denmark), and my darling roommate Ann! It was Ann's first time, so I was really pleased she came along.  It was Marie's 3rd time with me by then, so we are old veterans together. The drag shows are really the only fun place to dance around here, they aren't crawling with disgusting  sorority girls, and the men are all well-kept.  Sadly, they only occur once per month, so that's the bleak extent of gay culture the Palouse has to offer.

At the show, it was sort of uncomfortable how big of a hit I was with everyone.  I don't really mingle with the Pullman-Moscow gays, mainly because it is such an elaborately networked scene that everyone knows everyone, and there is an excess of petty drama.  Anyway, when I do get out among them, I receive copious amounts of flattery, which, although refreshing, can get a little awkward.  One group kept calling me Prince Harry.

I did meet one guy I really liked, who turned out to only be in town for the weekend, because he is a dancer on tour with the Eugene Ballet! So now I have kissed a ballet dancer, and not the kind with a tutu either ; ) Ann, Marie and I went to watch him in the Nutcracker the next day.  Totally magnificent.  I love it when there is some semblance of art over here.  I wish I could move to a more metropolitan area sooner than later, but I really think a career needs to come first.  Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to afford the big city amenities I went there for in the first place.

Anyway, Dead Week trudges onward.  Tomorrow is (finally) my last day of teaching group swim lessons.  I love the kids, but I am also relieved.  I'll get an entire month off of swim lessons.  Too bad I still have to teach water aerobics 4-5 days/week.  I'm close with my students, absolutely, but I haven't had time to come up with any vastly new work out routines, so a lot of it gets repetitive, and I sense they're beginning to feel that too.  Charmingly, students, both adult and child, have given me either adorable or delicious Christmas presents this week, thanking me for being their teacher.  So nice to feel appreciated, it makes my heart melt.

I took a lot of photos of the old farmhouse I house sat on Thanksgiving, so I still need to do an entry about that.  Please stay tuned.

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