Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Earth without Art is just Eh

Kunst.  L'art.  

Looking around us, and recognizing the extensive intricacies of our environment, as well as the infinite forms of beauty we, as living creatures, are able to create.  Dance, music, painting, drawing, photography, quilting, writing, architecture, and so on.  Even in nature (or should I say, especially in nature), this occurs.  I have been taking advantage of this idea more and more recently, and thinking of ways I can contribute to the world of art, myself.

About a month ago, I was asked to model for a fine arts student's final project.  I was paired with two girls, and we were to appear naked in the photos.  The girls were topless, covering their breasts, and in several of the shots, I was covering their breasts, but we all kept our underwear on.  We simply hid the underwear by cutting it out of the shot or concealing it with props.  The theme was supposed to be about temptation and lusting after something you cannot have.

Here is the final product:

Honestly, I am pretty disappointed with how it turned out, even though that is rude to say about the student's work.  She didn't use the most substantial shots we took, as I described, where I was on the ground with one of the girls with our eyes locked, or covering their breasts and making a real emotional connection.  Secondly, why did she change it all to black & white? It makes it seem drab and sullen, not about temptation or lust at all.  Third, what is with this arrangement of the photos? It doesn't have any apparent logic to it.  I feel like this project could've really gone places with the original theme and models, but sadly failed to deliver.

I think my personal talents would best be put to use in the areas of writing, at which I am particularly adept, as well as language.  Language is one of the most beautiful art forms of all.  The fact that all of these different cultures and people on our planet have their own way of expressing the same ideas.  In many cases, the ideas are unique to one language - a word that embodies many feelings into one concept, which does not translate into any other tongue.  That is beautiful.

My mom was selected to present as Artist of the Year at a quilting exhibition (to my understanding) in Seattle.  I am so proud of her; she has such marvelous talents and an eye for details.  I think this may lead to bigger things for her, as she gets more involved in showing her work to the masses.

1 comment:

  1. I believe with all my heart that art feeds our souls. I am my most complete when I am creating. I also love to appreciate other artists work. Thanks for the shout out on being an artist...wish I felt more confident. I need to believe in me in 2012.
