Sunday, December 16, 2012

O the holidays

Speaking of all of this moving, one of the happiest days of my life will be when I no longer have to shove my long legs into one of those tin cans they call Bombardier Q400s.  Any time I fly to someplace of significance out of Pullman or Spokane, I always end up stuffed in one of those little things.  At least give me a 737 or something, please.  On the plus side, if it's a later flight, they sometimes offer complimentary beer or wine.  Ja, tak.

This is how my holiday traveling has proceeded thusfar:
I had to hitch a ride with friends from Moscow up to Spokane and stayed the night there at another friend's house, only to get up at 5:30 AM and pay a $20 cab fee to get to the airport on time for my flight out at 8:30 AM.  Said flight landed me in Seattle, where my connecting flight to Santa Barbara, California, was subsequently canceled due to mechanical failures.  Fortunately, I was able to get my flight & baggage all transferred directly to Palm Springs out of Seattle, which was going to be my ultimate destination later in the week anyway.  Unfortunately, THAT flight doesn't leave until 6:00 PM.  Sooooo please understand my frustration with going to all of the aforementioned effort & expense, only to sit in SeaTac airport for the entire day, and arrive in Palm Springs at 10 o'clock at night.  I might be slightly grumpy. 

Fortunately, I know the perfect remedy!

Plus, I came heavily armed with some books and 4 hours of Extended Edition Lord of the Rings.

I am stoked to be home with the fam.  Do some hiking, hot tubbing, hanging out with Grace, playing games, shopping, great food, it's gonna be awesome!

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