Monday, December 31, 2012


I need to take this time to recap my holiday a little.  I already detailed the way in which my trip began with a bumpy start.  Uff da! So I got to Palm Springs a little early, and was there longer than intended.  Mor was very good about keeping everything lively and entertaining, though, and we were all in the mood to just relax more often than not, haha! I got to do my share of lengthy desert hikes in the sun, which really justifies the entire trip, in my book : )

Intense desert hike up to a hidden oasis, seriously just a few miles from my parents' house.  How awesome is that?
Definitely a wonderful holiday being home, truly for the first time all year
Leaving Palm Springs.  Auf wiedersehen!
While I more than certainly had a fantastic time away, and as always, enjoyed the desert thoroughly, it also gave me a lot of new perspective.  In contrast to my previous two posts, I have decided that the desert really is not right for me at this time.  I like winter.  Since I've been back, it's been consistently cold temps here, hovering in the 20's or below (-2˚ to -8˚ C), with gorgeous white snow, but also plenty of sunshine.  For me, this is the ideal winter.

Soo excited to be back ice skating again
 It sounds as though the flight attendant job isn't meant to work out at this time.  That is totally fine.  It was a great way to get out of my current situation and move someplace exciting, as well as travel.  But you know what? If it's meant to be, it will happen in a couple years instead! Right now, I am more driven than ever to get to China in the fall and finish my degree the following spring.  I'm 2 simple semesters away from completion, and want that security of having the bachelors, plus the substantial Chinese language background.  Let's enjoy our time doing what we're doing and instead of moping, make the most of it!

I have several ice skating dates lined up, I'm determined to go skiing this winter, Adrian is being perfect and wanting to advance our relationship to a new level, old friends are resurfacing, and I'm proud that I didn't give up on my dream of going to China.

Cute story time.  My favorite movie is "Breakfast at Tiffany's." I love Audrey Hepburn, especially as Holly Golightly.  I had a giant movie poster I'd bought in Seattle framed in my room, but it broke and was ruined during a tragic accident : ( So for Christmas, Adrian went and found a new poster for me, which is much more extravagant and expensive, PLUS it's in German, because he knows I was rekindling my German brain for that flight attendant position.  All in all, it is a beautiful gift, and is now hanging on my wall : ) I love it so much.  He is a great guy.  I think one of my resolutions is definitely going to be to leave the grittier aspects of our past where they belong: in the past.  Time to look to the future and see what unfolds.

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