Monday, August 8, 2011

Rushed post at the PAFC

Wow, it turns out I can get onto this website at work! Usually these sorts of sites will be censored, for the obvious reason that they are unproductive.  Productivity is a relative term.

Soo today is my first day as a manager at the Aquatic Center.  Thus far it has been quite the trial by fire.  I have been running around making sure parents have signed all of the correct forms, adjusting people's classes, in addition to the miscellaneous duties that just come with being the most senior member on staff.  One instructor did not show up for her parent/child class, so here I have 20 parents sitting in the pool with their infants and no class for them.  I ended up just giving them all free time in the pool instead of class and scheduling a make-up lesson for another time.  Diplomatic Ky to the rescue!

As stressful as this has been, one of the main reasons I took the job is because I like to keep busy while at work.  Mission definitely accomplished, and the hours seem to fly by! At least for now; it is only the first day, I suppose.

On top of this, I am busy trying to plow through 6 difficult chapters/lessons in my Chinese 102 texts.  Usually each lesson takes at least one week of full dedication in & out of class, and here I have less than two weeks to hammer through it all, plus remember everything I learned in the Spring.  Is it weird that I am enjoying the ridiculous challenge? I think the idea of being successful in Chinese 203 and 205 next semester is the fuel to my fire.

Another shout out to Andrew.  He is taking off for Seattle this week and we won't see each other for a while.  It's going to be a tough week for him at home, so I wish him the best.  Meanwhile, I need to have something to show for my progress in Chinese by the time he gets back.

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