Monday, August 29, 2011


Have I mentioned recently about how it's been swelteringly hot outside for about two weeks straight? Maybe even longer... Typically high 80s, low 90s.  I have turned into such a whiny Northwesterner now, it's embarrassing.  I'm just sick of getting into an oven every time I need to drive somewhere, as well as showing up to every class sweaty as a pig.  We had a fantastic lightning/wind storm last night, so we all figured it would help it cool down outside.  All it really did was start some fires and make everyone's cars really dirty.

Andrew is back in town, so that is nice for me : ) We have been hanging out a lot this past month.  Last night he made me some delicious stir fry as we caught up after having spent a long weekend apart.  Overall a very refreshing guy to be with, AND he knows a lot about China.

I am loving my living situation here in Pullman.  I have three roommates in a large house a stone's throw from campus, so four of us altogether.  However, we are a bit of a youth hostel.  We currently have a 5th guy living with us for another few weeks, while he's finishing up his thesis for grad school, and we've had varying numbers of other guests come and go.  There is always a couch or two to bunk on, and the house is spacious enough that none of this has ever been a problem.  I feel like every time I come home, it's like hanging out with a group of friends.


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