Thursday, September 1, 2011


My parents have been having the time of their lives over in Minnesota, living life to the fullest on the lakeshore and, today, relishing the Minnesota State Fair, arguably one of the biggest (except for maybe Texas) and greatest state fairs in the entire country.  I hope those guys enjoyed their Leinenkugel, mosquitos, and fried food on a stick while it lasted.  I might be just kind of jealous, an avid Midwestern boy myself.

Things are lovely here in Pullman too though, most certainly.  The weather cooled off a lot the past couple of days.  You might even say it's been rather chilly, though after complaining about the heat, I refuse to complain about the cold as well.  I figure the sooner autumn comes, the sooner I can put my ice skates back on & hockey season starts up.

Still juggling life from managing the pool (particularly busy now that it's September because everyone is buying memberships at discounted rates, and now swim lessons are starting up again), getting all of my homework done AND staying on top of my Chinese vocabulary, as well as getting things in order for studying abroad next year.  I have to go and renew my passport at the post office (hopefully tomorrow, if they stay open past 3).

In an attempt at being proactive toward boosting my resumé, meeting new people, learning about Taiwan, practicing Mandarin, and taking that extra step, I have officially become a member of Washington State University's Taiwanese Student Association.

My membership card, totally sweet!
When I went up to their booth telling them I wanted to join the Taiwanese Student club, I think they might've thought I was making fun of them.  I wonder if other white people are involved with it at all.  Might as well get used to being one of the only 外國人 in the crowd : P  There is a huge welcome dinner party tomorrow night for the students, so I'm really looking forward to it.  I recruited a friend to come with, whom I know from high school, who had just immigrated to the U.S. from Taiwan while we were in high school together, so at least I'll have a familiar face with me.

1 comment:

  1. The cool membership card was worth joining on its own!
    We are having a good time in MN but I feel like all vacations that its time to go home. Dad wants it to never end...
