Thursday, September 29, 2011

ich werde nie krank!

I am now a proud owner of an up-to-date U.S. passport! The new design is really neat, although I'm sad to no longer have my Danish student visa stamped in it.  Ich bin ein Mann der Welt! This will be a big stepping stone for my study abroad applications for both China and Taiwan.
Everyone here in Pullman is really sick right now... Everyone but me. *Knocks on wood*
I don't understand what is wrong with everyone.  The flu has hit probably half of my staff at the pool.  Everyone in my classes are hacking and sniffling.  Yet here I stand, healthy as a lamb.  I don't feel that I do anything in particular to have accrued this high tolerance to illnesses around me other than drinking tea, exercising, and the occasional shot of vitamin C.  Sådan er det bare, nogle folk er bedre end andre : /

The weather outside has been just lovely, lately.  My favorite is when it is cool enough to comfortably wear jeans, yet warm enough to still just wear a t-shirt.  Soon it will be October! I'm devising a few costume ideas for the Halloween season coming up.  At work, we have a special event every year called Spooky Splash, where all of the staff are dressed up, and we put on Halloween-oriented games and activities for kids to come participate in.  Some of us had talked about dressing up with the theme Washington Zombie University (WZU), so wearing WSU gear, dressed as athletes or cheerleaders, etc, but all zombied up.  My other idea is to go as Dr. Frankenfurter, because that was a ton of fun when I dressed up for Rocky Horror last November.

There are just a lot of cool fall events in the area.  Haunted Palouse is my favorite : ) Off to class.

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