Saturday, September 3, 2011

Summer's over, sports begin

Sooo I'm a fool and got the dates wrong.  Yesterday I brought my Taiwanese friend, Tony, to Ensminger Pavillion for the Taiwanese student dinner, and it's actually next Friday.  Kind of embarrassing, and really just an overall letdown.  I had been looking forward to it all day.  Oh well, next week! And next weekend is the Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋節).  I'll do a separate update next week explaining that celebration.

Today is the first Cougar football game of the year, so everyone is getting crazy, the streets are filling up, and there is a lot of excitement over that.  I'm not trying to seem like a downer, but personally it's way too crowded, too long, and I'm not a big football fan in general.  Not to mention, I didn't buy a sports pass (partially so that I don't feel obligated to go and get my money's worth).  I don't know what to say - it's not that I don't love WSU, I just don't see why football has to be the defining factor.  What if you like other sports? I go to a handful of Cougar basketball, volleyball, and tennis games every year.  Most people don't even know when the latter two teams are playing.  Who's got school spirit now?

Watching hockey trumps all of these sports anyway.  Who's idea was it to make football the USA's main national sport? I may have to move to Canada, where hockey is fully appreciated.  Or Minnesota.  Same concept.  I don't have TV this year, though, so I'm going to have to find an NHL-friendly sports bar... or make friends with someone who likes the same teams? I'm not picky.

New word I'm trying to incorporate into my vocabulary - ubiquitous.  It's such a useful word.  It's an adjective meaning that something appears or is found everywhere.  For example, in Pullman, Cougar fans are ubiquitous.  In both Canada and Minnesota, hockey memorabilia is ubiquitous.


  1. Ugh, I dread football season. I don't get the craze either, there are so many other worthy sports. Like volleyball, as you mentioned.

  2. I hate it when I get the dates wrong! We went to the Alex fair here and it wasn't happening. Duh~
    I love football but I don't live in the middle of the fever. The reason football is so impt to colleges is the amount of money it generates with fans. No other sports can do the same. Crazy I know.
    I do not even know how to pronounce ubiquitous let alone make it part of my vocab. You go boy!

  3. ubiquitous = (you-bick-quit-us)

    Actually, when I was a Kinesiology major and taking Philosophy of Sport, we discovered that there are only a handful of universities who actually make money from their football teams, and it's really huge ones like USC, Ohio State, etc. And even THEN, the reason they have the huge fanbase is because football is so popular, so we're back full-circle at trying to figure THAT out
