Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I could definitely use a ferie as soon as possible! Work is giving me such a headache.  I wish I could take a week off and just get caught up on all of my school stuff instead.  Pulling over 30 hrs managing the pool this week on top of a full class schedule, homework, and two exams this Friday.  I'm not trying to whine, I'm just putting everything into perspective so it's easier to look at.

As if I had any free time, I have also been delving into the Lord of the Rings books.  Andrew and I found a copy of all three books in one for $8.00 at a used books store downtown called Brused Books.  $8.00 for all three books! I'm exclusively shopping at used book stores from now on.  Anyway, The Lord of the Rings is proving quite addictive, so pursue them at your own risk.  By the way, thank you Jon Hamm for recommending the other LOTR (did I really just type that?) soundtracks.  I ended up downloading the Two Towers, and I'm really fond of it now.

I'm not sure whether I've mentioned this, but I'm teaching swim lessons at work now.  I really can't be certain as to whether or not I'm doing a good job of it, but somehow it all works out in the end.  It's not rocket science.  Although, if it were rocket science, that would be really awesome.  In any case, I feel very fortunate to have relatively good children in all of my lessons, and they're pretty cute.  The moms seem to have really taken to me, as well.  This morning, one of them was sharing her secrets to finding the best knitting wool (okay??) and another asked why I wasn't wearing my earrings today, haha!

Another stroke of good luck: I met a Danish girl here at WSU via my roommate, Jake.  She said there are 3 Danes here, which is exciting, and we're all going to meet up for a kop kaffe next week.  Det bliver sikkert godt for mig at tale dansk igen.

On a closing note, I think I may be finally leaving The Facebook behind for good this time.  It's been consuming more and more of my time lately, which is completely nonsensical, and it is the epitome of counter-productivity.  On top of that, all most people post is either boring, crude, or absurd.  Furthermore, they established a new layout, which reformatted the entire site to the point that I cannot even begin to parse what's happening or how to view things normally.  Is it worth taking the time to figure it out? Not likely.  I think that was just the push I needed.


  1. OMG I said the same thing about fb today. It feels so big brother like and uncomfortable. Do we really need this strange connection to long lost people? I am thinking maybe not.
    Sorry you are so busy but I figure if you have time to read for pleasure you must have a handle on it all. I am counting on you graduating in May!!

  2. Haha I'm not sure if I actually have time to read, yet read I do.

  3. Disappointing, but I can't really blame you for logging out of FB. It really has few beneficial uses. However, this means you need to keep the blog going in order to keep us out-of-state peeps informed =)
