Thursday, September 15, 2011


I never posted anything about 中秋節, nor did I really do anything to celebrate it.  The moon looked pretty awesome for it though.  I figure I'll have a handful of really great ones to tell about in the future when I'm actually in Asia.

Life is so very, very strange and loaded with irony.  Today is the first day of nearly the entire summer where it's been rainy weather.  The irony comes into play because we are all delighted that the sun has taken a break and the cooler weather has come.  I've been trying to appreciate the sweltering heat while it lasted (it may come back later, too, so I won't speak too soon), but I tend to get really geared up for autumn by this time.  I have my pumpkin spice candles, hot tea, ice skates, jeans & longsleeves all busting to get out and watch the world change to hues of orange, yellow, and brown.  Warm, sunny weather is terrific if you're an outdoor athlete (particularly rowing, where the quality of your row frequently depends on how calm the river is that day), but for me, it's been too hot to run during the day, yet it's getting darker sooner so I can't go at night either.  Altogether, I'm enjoying this deliciously cooler day and the delectable smell of rain wafting about outside.

Nerd story:
Going through my things, which I retrieved from my parents' storage units upon my most recent encounter with them (when they helped me move back to Pullman), I rediscovered a lot of my old CD's from high school.  Among them is the "Fellowship of the Ring" soundtrack.  At first I didn't think much of it, but I put it onto my iTunes.  It could be said that I have scarcely listened to anything else since.  I'm finding it so enchanting to the point of being addicted.  The images and feelings it conjures are fantastic; I can't stop.  It reminds me of high school when Timothy would rock out to the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack everyday at school.

1 comment:

  1. YES! My favorite is the first bit of The Ring Goes South. So glad someone else still adores these ten years after the fact. Get the other two, they are even better.
