Saturday, October 15, 2011

Gettin' back in the swing

I am loving having these Danish girls as friends here this semester.  It's too bad they won't be able to stick around any longer.  It helps me realize how important my personal history is, in the sense that Denmark and Danish are actually a huge part of me and always will be.
On the note of Scandinavia and personal history, I found these two children's books on Amazon for cheap, which were my favorites as a kid in Minnesota.  "Trouble With Trolls" and "Christmas Trolls." The illustrations are very Norwegian-based, particularly the clothing & buildings in the stories, and the trolls themselves are a large part of Scandinavian folklore.  I bought them because I always think of them when winter comes around, and I haven't seen them in stores ever.  It's important to remember our childlike joys and innocence; I think it allows us to keep our own lives in perspective.

I cannot believe we're already halfway into October.  It's a good thing there's an entire winter ahead of us, because I haven't even made it to the ice rink nor to a Chiefs game, and those were the two things I've been looking forward to the most about the coming cold.  Last week I was laid out on my back with the flu or cold (I can never be sure; I always thought influenza meant nausea and vomiting too, but apparently not always), and this week I had horrible, horrible Chinese exams.  No time for fun.  I'm going to try and head with Andrew to Seattle next weekend.  I think that would be a great time.  I have a number of close friends there, and Andrew is really wanting me to come along.

Der er en fodboldskamp her imod Stanford Universitet, så bestemte Jake, en af mine værelseskammerater, at han skulle holde en stor fest herhjemme... Så nu ser hele huset ud som en dårlig frat party.  Jeg skal have nogle venner over at hygge i aften inden vi tager ud i byen sammen, så bliver jeg nok nødt til at gøre rent til huset, selvom jeg var slet ikke med til Jakes fest tidligere i dagen.  Hvor ærgeligt.  Tak for lort, man.

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