Sunday, October 2, 2011


Fall, please come! In a few months' time, I will probably be shooting myself for whining about the 70˚ days we're having (ok, to be fair, it was 85˚ the past three days, which is pretty hot when you're not in the mood for that).  I am just so geared up for autumn; I've already picked out all the neighborhoods I'm going to meander to see their beautiful trees turn orange and yellow.
A sure fall favorite is the seasonal beers.  I've had my eye on the Blue Moon Pumpkin Ale and the Leinenkugel Octoberfest.

Last night, we had a little farvelfest (goodbye party) for Nate, who has been living with us here on Lower Drive for the past two months, finishing his thesis.  Jeg er så ked af at han skal fra os.  Han er et rigtig godt menneske, og har været en god roommate.  Der var to danske piger her til festen også, som jeg inviterede - Marie og Laura.  Det er altid så dejligt at møde danskere, snakke dansk, og hygge sig.  Jeg var lidt overrasket over hvor god mit dansk egentlig var, fordi jeg får aldrig chancen til at faktisk tale det (selvom jeg skriver tit på dansk).

So there were two Danish girls who came to the party last night too, whom I'd invited - Marie and Laura.  They were both really awesome to talk to; I love meeting Danes and speaking Danish together.  I think it just reinforced what I wrote in my previous post about continuing my study of Danish and pursuing further fluency with that.  I think it is important, not only because of the ground I've already lain with the language, but because of the connection I certainly have with the people and Scandinavia.  It's really a special thing.
Anyway, the girls were so very sweet, and it was a joy talking with them.  It was probably also cool to have my friends and loved ones hearing me converse with the girls in relatively fluid Danish, because everybody knows about my connection with Denmark and the history there, yet have never witnessed it themselves, I don't think.  I'm excited to have made two new friends in Marie & Laura, so I look forward to our next meeting (forhåbentligt næste weekend).  Jeg har også sagt til Marie, at hun skulle rette mig hvis jeg laver fejl når jeg snakker dansk.  Det hjælper meget, synes jeg.

Well, today is October 2nd, and I am so very in the mood for fall festivities.  If my fridge wasn't full of beer, I could try my hand at making pumpkin pie.  Any other suggestions?

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