Friday, October 7, 2011

What a week

Contrary to all of my previous gloating about keeping healthy, I have been hellishly ill for the past 4 days.  Nothing really upper respiratory or congestion (maybe a little), but just a monster of a fever that I cannot shake.  I've broken it a couple of times now, waking up in a pool of sweat, but it's only a matter of hours before it returns with a vengeance.  I went to the university's Urgent Care, but because it's just a fever, they couldn't give anything other than a pamphlet about how to take 2400mg of Ibuprofen everyday.
I am lying in bed, underneath 6 layers of blankets, and baby Baker sleeping between my legs.  He wants to make sure I recover.  An alternative method, in addition to the Ibuprofen, I have been trying is traditional Chinese medicinal herbs.  I went to the Moscow Food Co-op yesterday and bought some honeysuckle flower extract, as well as licorice and ginger teas.  So far, I think I am pleased with the results.

In other news, Autumn has finally arrived! It's a shame that I am too sick to enjoy it right this moment, but it's been a beautiful week.  Pumpkins are only $4 each at WalMart right now - I'm contemplating snagging a couple just to have around the house.


  1. Hope you are on the mend today and can get out and enjoy the fall colors and temps. I have a pumpkin already and a few decorations out but not as much fun with so many boxes sitting around!

  2. Try fire cupping. In a strange way, it seems pretty therapeutic. Not sure what good it would do against a virus though. Get better Ky!
