Sunday, October 23, 2011

pumpkin magic

This is an introduction to Ky's adventures in baking.  A more daunting art, at times, than one may realize.  Here we have a detailed account of my yesterday evening's attempt at making delicious pumpkin bread.  I don't think I'm ready to tackle pumpkin pie yet (or rather, I might be now, but was not yesterday).  Commence:

The ingredients I used:
• 3 1/2 cups flour
• 1/4 tsp. baking powder
• 2 tsp. baking soda
• 1 1/2 tsp. salt
• 1 tsp nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, pumpkin spice
• 1 1/2 granulated sugar and brown sugar
• 1 cup oil
• 2 cups canned pumpkin
• 4 eggs
The result after thoroughly mixing all of the ingredients
After placing mixture into my two new loaf pans
Baked in 350˚ oven for 52 minutes
Fresh out of the oven, risen and rich with pumpkin
Cooling and waiting to be eaten, adequately filling my house with delicious smells
The end result makes for a good snack, albeit a little dryer and less flavorful than I was hoping for

I have since distributed the majority of my two loaves to friends and co-workers, much to their delight.  I left them all with the caveat that it was not the greatest pumpkin bread, as it was too dry, but the next batch would be better.  Everyone insisted they tasted fantastic all the same, so that felt nice.  Maybe they just don't know really great pumpkin bread.  Soon they will.  Now that I've bought two loaf pans, I have to use them in order to justify myself.

Still loving being in the throws of fall.  I can't get over the magnificent colors.  Here is the view outside of my dining room window:

Everyone seems to be out of town this weekend.  Even Ann has deserted Baker and me in favor of hunting.  Having so much time to myself, I find myself being infinitely more productive and creative.  This is perhaps why I endeavored to learn to bake this weekend.  A friend and I went ice skating over in Moscow, which was our first visit of the season.  I was glad to get to try out my new skates, which I bought last year but only used twice.  They're hockey skates, so too wide for my long feet, but with double-layered wool socks, the fit was nice and snug.  A woman at the rink was figure skating so beautiful, inclining me to ask her about her ice skating background.  She said she grew up in Colorado and had simply done it her entire life.  She then proceeded to offer us some pointers, should we desire them.  My friend and I were ecstatic and received a brief lesson in improving our skating form.  The locals here certainly are charming.  I now count myself among them and always do my best to uphold the image of outgoing friendliness and helpfulness.

1 comment:

  1. So nice to hear you are learning to bake...I will send you MY pumpkin bread recipe and you can decide if you like it better. I feel terrible that cute mug was given to me by a BF and I didn't keep it. Oh well...its not like it was put in a garage sale. So happy to hear the skates are getting dusted skating rocks especially if you don't fall! lol
