Monday, July 25, 2011

Back in Pullman

Naturally I am sad that my adventure in Oregon did not culminate into something more functional.  On the other hand, the instant I returned to Pullman, everything seems to be going my way.  I have only been back for one weekend and I've already run into tons of people I know, all of whom have been delighted to see me again.  The weather has been fantastic, which I have been out enjoying with the friends, amidst getting settled into my new house.  And I am working a 40-hr week at the pool, along with a nice raise upon returning! Hopefully hearing back about the Head Guard position this week as well, which would be lovely.

The new house is really big and has a beautiful yard, complete with a waterfall.  Jake (one of my roommates) and I are trying to get in "lived in" as much as we can at this point.  It is hard to determine where best to put our things, as the house is so incredibly spacious.  One thing I dislike is that it is all hard vinyl wood flooring (as in, everything, even the bedrooms), so it makes sound carry a lot.  This is bad for me, because I tend to go to bed earlier and get up early for work, so when I can hear absolutely everything in the house while lying in bed at 10 o'clock at night, this can be problematic.  My solution is to save up money for lots of very large rugs.

1 comment:

  1. Another suggestion for sound are the mold-able ear plugs. They come in a block and you mold them to your ear canal and nothing gets in. I hope you continue to enjoy being back in PUllman...sweet town for sure!
