Friday, July 8, 2011

Sad is bad

This has been such a nasty couple of days, work-wise.  The worst has been this morning, when my water aerobics students actually stopped me in the middle of my class and said, "Ky, it's good to have new exercises, but we've been here for 9 years and we want the stuff we have been doing for the past 9 years, not this."
I will admit I felt extremely disheartened and indignant.  I'm sure that my students back in Pullman wish they could still have me teaching, but they can't and that's the way it is.  I said, "Well, I can't watch videos of your old instructor to know what you used to do."
Of course they brought up His Holiness Kraig, the inventor of Hydrofit, who works as an instructor there.  They all love him, but he teaches at 6:15 on Tuesday & Thursday mornings, and none of them want to get up that early.  So pretty much they want me to get up and go to Kraig's classes so that I can repeat his stuff to them at a more convenient time.  I replied, "My problem with this is then I would just be copying Kraig's workouts and not using my experience and understanding of water exercise to develop routines for you.  I don't want to just copy exactly what someone else does."
They said, "We understand that, but that's what we want."
I said, "Fine, I can copy.  That's fine."

I am not sure when the last time was that I felt so insulted, and then I had to go on teaching them, knowing that they hate my workouts! It's seriously like teaching 5th graders in that they don't listen to me, yet they completely rely on me to tell them what to do.  Pulling ****ing teeth.

On the bright side, one of the DAC's personal trainers up and quit out of nowhere on Wednesday, so maybe they will offer me a position with that... Based on my experience with the client-base so far, I think I'd rather shovel cow crap.  Actually, I wonder if I can get a job doing that...

Fun things that have been happening: Greg & I did end up going boating with our friend on Lake Detroit.  It was a beautiful getaway, very relaxing, and we both came home red lobsters, haha! I call that the White Man's Curse, because it's going to happen after a day in the sun like that no matter what you do.

Sunny 3rd of July on Detroit Lake, Oregon
For the 4th, we spent the morning running the Butte to Butte, which is a popular 10k race here in town.  Lots of people - about 4,500 showed up to run or walk, they said.  It reminded me of Bloomsday in Spokane, although that usually has around 50,000 participants.  We had a really good time with that, and I was really happy with my results.  I don't have any of Greg's pictures, but I stole some of the ones photographers had of me from their website.

The happiest runner

Solid sprint to the finish


  1. Glad that you had a blast with the race. It's common that clients don't like to change their workout routines especially after doing them for 9 years. As long as the request is reasonable, I think that you should do your best to give them what they want and maybe add a few new exercises later on.

  2. I am so sorry you had such a challenging week at work. I am sure its even more frustrating after it felt like you were turning the corner on unfortunate events. Perhaps there will be more openings in other positions that will be a better fit. Its important that both you and your classes be happy and hopefully a solution becomes clear.
