Friday, July 1, 2011

Grow so tall

Sorry I got a little heavy in the last post.  It's just good to provide a different perspective, and I feel I can empathize with a lot of different views.  Ironically, Greg is among the people who feels gay pride is silly and unnecessary, so go figure.  I reckon everyone's out having fun, so why ruin it.

I got to see my parents and Grace yesterday as they stopped through Eugene on their way down to Lake Almanor, California.  I always love seeing them, and wish our time together could be more extensive.  Hopefully in the near future.

Another interesting and spontaneous turn of events is one of my old high school friends, Rosie, and her new husband, Tanner, are spending the week living in our guest bedroom, as they are temporarily between apartments.  I have definitely been in that awkward situation, where one of my leases ended a month before the other began, and I had to live with Greg after only dating for a month and a half or so.  Definitely a big growing point for us, haha! Anyway, Rosie & Tanner are a pleasure to have, and it is kind of nice having a few extra faces around the house.

Greg and I have been working out tirelessly (perhaps not the most suitable word choice) these past few weeks, so our bodies are getting into tip-top shape.  Today we signed up for a 10k run called the Butte-to-Butte (hehe) which takes place the morning of July 4th.

Not entirely sure what our plans are for the holiday weekend.  I would like to spend Sunday boating with our friend, Bryan, and then barbecue with some friends here in town after our run on Monday.  There are also some good parades and shows going on, so I have my options open for now.  We'll see what happens!

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