Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday rant, get ready

As many of you probably know, I really hate racism.  Most people would agree that racism is bad, yet most people still say racist and prejudiced comments all the time.  In particular, it seems to be socially acceptable to "not like Asians," like it's a food preference or something.  No Asians on my burger, please, I don't care for them.  Why do people think this is okay? It would be horrifying for someone to say the same thing about any other group.

"I'm not racist, I just can't stand Asians."
"I'm not prejudiced, I just can't stand gay people."
"I'm not racist, I just can't stand black people."
"I'm not racist, I just can't stand white people." (OK, I've actually been known to say this one, haha)

But tell me honestly that you've never heard anyone say the first line.  Did you think it was a big deal when they said it, or did you think, "Oh yeah, that's understandable?"

Anyway, the other night, I was out bowling with some friends.  One of the guys remarked about a group of Asian college-aged people coming in, saying, "Ugh, I hope they don't put the ****ing Asians in the lane next to us."

Dude needs a punch in the face! What the hell! And you know what, they were put in the lane next to us, and there was zero problem what-so-ever.  They were way better at bowling than most of us and looked like they were having a great time.

This has nothing to do with my major being Chinese or anything like that.  The only reason I'm studying Chinese is because I want to work as a linguist, and it is far and away the most in-demand language.  I would be equally sensitive toward any group targeted like this.  Anyway, I was just in kind of a bad mood after that.  It really blows me away, the stuff people say without thinking.

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