Thursday, July 14, 2011

New news

As you may have noticed, I had to change the title of my blog.  Things have not been working out all that well here in Oregon.  I love Eugene, I love Greg, and I love Oregon, so that is not the problem.  As you know, I wasn't able to get into the classes I needed for the fall and was going to have to postpone my Chinese study until (hopefully, if there would be spaces available!) January, all of which was setting me a great deal back in earning my degree anyway.  In addition, I have 3 jobs here, none of which I particularly enjoy, and still do not even have close to 40 hours/week.  Barely even 20.

All of this stress has been affecting my personal life in a very negative way.  I think Greg & I realized deep down, not long ago that this is simply not the best thing for me.

Sooo here I am coordinating a move back up to Pullman, Washington.  I got my old job back there, lifeguarding and fitness instructing, where I can definitely get a lot of hours and actually make some money this summer.  Also applied for a manager position at the pool, so hopefully moving up in the world.  In Pullman, I can also go to school full-time and hopefully just go to China after next year, then be done! Greg and I are looking at it as a way to start our adult life together faster, even though we'll have to spend a lot of time apart.  I really figure we'll both be so busy a lot of the time, that it won't seem so awful.  In the fall, he'll be traveling all the time for audits anyway, and he still needs to take the last two sections of the CPA exam, then in the spring it's tax season again already.  Even if I were still in Eugene, we'd hardly see each other.

As a stroke of fortune would have it, I have found two roommates for my return.  One of whom is Ann, my roommate from last year, so that is very exciting.  I may have found a townhouse in Pullman that I really like, and the price seems right.  The other potential roommate, Jake, is there checking it out this afternoon.  Hopefully it's a winner!

Another bit of good news is that I was able to get registered for the classes I needed, despite my extreme tardiness.  My Chinese professor from last year said that because I did such an excellent job in his class, I should try to just test into Chinese 203 for the fall semester.  I am so honored that he would suggest that, and I'm really looking forward to the challenge.  Lots of studying for the summer, which will keep me occupied.

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you for making such a mature decision and choosing your future over the moment.
    It seems like things are already turning around in a positive way. This gives you the best chance to get your degree and have an amazing career. I not only wish you luck but blessings falling gently upon you always. xo
