Wednesday, June 8, 2011

the bads news first

I have both good news and bad news.  This summer I have been studying ahead in my Chinese texts so that I can simply test into Chinese 103 without having to take 102, as there would be so much overlap with what I already learned in 101 on a semester system, where there only are 101 & 102 (as opposed to the shorter quarters where they have 101, 102, and 103).  I am confident I would have been able to do it, no problem, and, in fact, relish the challenge.

I got an offer from the Aquatics manager at the Downtown Athletic Club to teach a deep water aerobics class there 8:30-9:30 AM, three days per week.  I knew that this was going to conflict with the Chinese 103 course in August, so I went onto Duckweb to confirm that.  What I found is that in the fall, Chinese 201 is completely full, which would have been the next class in the sequence... only offered in the fall... thus rendering taking 103 in August unjustified.

The Bad News:
• I won't be able to begin the 200-level Chinese track this year after all.

The Good News:
• I have a job offer! Minimal though it may be, three classes per week is a pretty good jumping off point.  Once I have an "in" at the DAC, I feel it will be easier to acquire more and more employment there.
• I don't have to come up with $1,000 in tuition by August, and then again in September.  Although, I think I will try to get into Linguistics 301 in the fall instead, as that is a really important class to get out of the way.

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog my dear! Sounds like you are enjoying your Oregon adventure, which is wonderful. I am glad your postal love made its way to you successfully, and am looking forward to your reply xx
