Friday, June 24, 2011

Up 'til now

I have been keeping fairly busy lately, so I apologize for the updates becoming more spread out.  This morning I taught my first class at the Downtown Athletic Club.  Everyone I spoke with, the Director of Operations, the Aquatics Director, and even the water aerobics instructor whom my class likes described them as very difficult, very picky, complainers, stone-faced, etc.  I have a blast with them! They were all very sympathetic to me being new, they smiled, and they said they loved the class.  I really feel that my abilities have been underestimated by the DAC, and this will really reflect that.

In the meantime, I have decided to accept the job at Echo Hollow Pool.  During the summer, I can get 40 hrs/week, and then up to 20 hrs/week in the fall.  I imagine that by then I will have a lot more going for me at the DAC anyway, so this might work out perfectly.  The only downside is that I will still need my car, because Echo Hollow is not along a bus route.  I was hoping to give it back to my dad in order to avoid the expenses of gas, insurance, and repairs.

Seemingly insignificant, but big for me, is that I am taking out my earrings for good.  I've had them for over a year, but while I am busy finding a job and getting older, they just don't seem to fit my life anymore.  I really enjoyed having them while I did, and the idea was that I wanted to get them while I was an undergrad, before I had to impress anybody.  I would say it was a success and now time to move on.  Plus they looked better when I had long, shaggy hair.  They tend to look silly with my short hair at times.

Tonight I am meeting up with a few of my close friends from the high school days in Pagosa Springs, Colorado.  Rosie Lee lives here in Eugene now, as she was a student at the university.  She just got married, so a lot of our other friends were just in town for that.  Heather Andersen is the other one, with whom I have actually kept in contact with and actually seen multiple times since moving away.  I am meeting them for dinner shortly, and then they'll be coming to Greg & my apartment for games and a movie.  Sounds like old times!


  1. Wow! What a difference a day makes in your life! I am delighted the job went well and you are optimistic about the hours improving. Be sure to srat a savings acct and tuck away when you can. Of course they liked you! Just keep it challenging and you will have them coming back.
    I am surprised to read about the earrings but agree maybe they seem more party than business. Dad of course will be very happy!
    How fun to see old Pagosa friends~I can't wait to hear all about your evening. xo

  2. *START not already tried that method of saving!!! lol
