Monday, June 20, 2011

Tim McGraw

Successful return from the Gorge yesterday.  It's about a 6.5-7 hr drive from Eugene, which could be worse.  Just a real good group of friends to go with, too.  I hope I get to see them again before Labor Day, but every Labor Day we have a tradition of going to Pat's lake cabin in Hayden, Idaho, and having ourselves a real good weekend together.

The concert itself was Saturday night, but as per usual with events at the Gorge, Friday & Saturday were jam-packed with a drunken fever, with which the entire campground was afflicted.  Unlike my previous experience there, which was for a Jack Johnson concert, country music brings in, en masse, the hottest cowboy-types the West has ever seen.  With them came a fair share of beer-gutted rednecks, but the disproportionately high number of horrendously ripped, shirtless men outweighed any possible downside.  I mean, they were literally all over the place, and we are talking thick muscles with boulder-breaking 6-packs.  Thank you, Tim McGraw! Fortunately I had been running and doing a lot of ab workouts, myself, in preparation for the weekend, so I was nary a blight amongst the sea of hotness.

Anyway, enough about that.  All in all, a hot weekend that got me the long-awaited suntan I'd been needing, and a great time with some terrific friends.

It turns out I have no positive news regarding the job front, but I am interviewing somewhere tomorrow.  I hate to leave you hanging, but I'd rather report when there is something worth reporting.

Pictures from the weekend soon to come, I hope.

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