Friday, June 10, 2011

Things that make me happy pt. 2

- Having my mom come visit
- Quality time with Greg
- Having a job!!!

Mama Kamolz came to visit yesterday for some long overdue bonding time.  We are really close friends.  I particularly enjoyed showing off my new town a little bit, as well as driving around the University with her.  We did some shopping to boot, picking up a few bottles of wine, a block of cheese (naturally), and a few new pairs of shorts for the summer.  There have really been several really hot days here so far, I am pleased to say.

On the job front, I interviewed with two representatives from the Downtown Athletic Club.  One was regarding working as a personal trainer, and the other had to do with taking on the deep water aerobics classes two mornings per week.  Both went as well as could be! They passed my resumé on to the Director of Operations, and have even suggested that I work as a Manager on Duty to help supplement hours and build my client-base for personal training.  All-in-all it should be a very promising opportunity, and I really hope to hear from the Director soon.  This athletic club is extremely nice and very high-end.  It is also only a block away from Greg's office! As Greg said, "Now we both work in the two nicest buildings in Eugene."

Please let this job come through for me.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the lovely visit and for taking me out to dinner!
    I am saying prayers AND crossing fingers that this job comes thru for you. They would be so lucky to have you honestly.
    You are my sunshine.
