Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunny Monday

It amazes me how easily we keep ourselves busy here in Eugene.  Saturday, Greg & I drove down to Winston, Oregon, to a Wildlife Safari.  You drive through the place with your car, and there are no fences, so you're right up there with these incredible animals.  Africa, North America, and Asia were all represented in the exotic array of wildlife.  Definitely a cool day well-spent.  Then yesterday, we played tennis together & went for a run.  Came home for a bit of studying and good food.  I made chicken potstickers with rice for lunch, then hot wings for dinner : )

Today is my big study day.  My ACE Personal Trainer exam is tomorrow morning, so I really need to bone up on everything this time.  It is a bit grueling, but really informative at the same time.  There are a lot of things I definitely needed refreshers on.  It is a shame to be stuck inside studying all day, when it's about 70˚ F (21˚ C) outside...

I have yet to hear back from the Director of Operations at the Downtown Athletic Club vis-à-vis my 2nd interview.  After I PASS my exam tomorrow morning, I shall shoot her a message, checking up on my status with that.  The two I interviewed with indicated they wanted and needed my services, particularly my experience with water aerobics and with training older adults who have arthritis.  I am reluctant to aggressively pursue other career outlets, because this one would be the most prestigious and high-paying.  I just need to give it a little more time.  My initial interviews were only on Friday, after all.

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